Summertime is here and so are the sunny days splashing in pools, catching rays out on the water, and relaxing on the beach. As many outdoor enthusiasts know, summer can cause some extra wear and tear on the body. Educated consumers usually protect themselves by purchasing sunscreen, lip balms and sunglasses. But many of us forget to look after two of the most important and neglected parts of the body—the feet.
When choosing sandals, here are some tips to keep you and your toes in good shape:
1. Look for sandals with lower, wider heels and a stable sole to offer greater support and balance and to reduce pressure on the ball of the foot and toes. Anything over a two-inch heel changes the way the foot functions and puts you at higher risk for problems.
2. Check the soles of the shoes. Ultra-thin soles provide inadequate cushioning and foot support, which is needed especially on the hottest days.
3. Flip-flops can often cause blisters when the material rubs the skin between the toes. Choose flip-flops made of natural materials and soft, supple leather. Ensure that the sandal fits properly and that the foot doesn’t hang off the edge.
4. Try on sandals and walk around before buying. Make sure they feel comfortable in the store. Later, make sure that you break in new shoes before going on trips where you may do a lot of walking.