The damage diabetes can do to your feet can be excessive. The main concern with this disease is that it causes nerve damage. When directed toward the feet, this illness can reduce blood flow, making it harder to feel your extremities, heal injuries, and overcome infections. For this reason, proper diabetic foot care is essential to avoid serious risks that may result in amputation.
Here at Beyond Podiatry, our staff can provide you with the guidance and care you deserve. Diabetes is a serious illness, and taking care of your feet is essential for helping you live your life to the fullest. Below are some of the ways you can properly care for your feet if you struggle with this disease. For more help, we welcome you to schedule an appointment at a Beyond Podiatry office near you.
Hygiene is Essential for Proper Diabetic Foot Care
If you’ve lost feeling in your feet, you may sustain injuries without being aware of them. For this reason, it’s important to regularly check your feet for cuts, scrapes, blisters, and other issues. Inspecting them daily and keeping your feet clean is essential for maintaining foot health.

When washing your feet, be sure to do so in lukewarm water. Be gentle and use a soft washcloth or sponge. It’s also important to apply moisturizer to your feet (but not between your toes). Using a moisturizer daily will keep your skin from itching or cracking, but make sure to keep the spaces between your toes dry so as to avoid fungal infections.
Protect Your Feet At All Times
Taking the proper precautions when it comes to foot health involves wearing appropriate socks and shoes. Socks specifically made for diabetic patients can provide extra cushioning. They also lack elastic tops and are higher than normal socks, allowing them to wick moisture away from the skin. This helps prevent infections like athlete’s foot and ringworm.
If you have socks designed for diabetic care, wearing them at night to keep your feet warm is a good choice. You should never rely on a heating pad or hot water bottle if you lack sensation in your extremities.
Don’t Neglect Your Doctor Visits
Diabetes is a lifelong illness that needs to be monitored closely. Visiting your endocrinologist regularly can ensure that you stay abreast of any changes in your condition. It can also provide you with valuable information on the latest methods of treatment and management.
When it comes to your feet, staying in touch with a podiatrist you can trust makes all the difference. Here at Beyond Podiatry, we’re staffed by board-certified specialists dedicated to helping you maintain the health of your feet. If you’re struggling with diabetes, we encourage you to schedule regular visits to an office near you.
How to Get In Touch for Diabetic Foot Care
Beyond Podiatry features many offices across Kentucky, Illinois, and Michigan. Our staff has the experience necessary to treat and guide diabetics, giving them the proper foot care they deserve. If you’re experiencing numbness or discomfort in your feet, get in touch with us today. You can find your nearest location and schedule your visit through the online tool below.